Thursday, September 20, 2007

Long Essay Questions

On-line Collaboration Experiment

You will be asked to write on 2 of the following 3 (which I will choose). You may, however, write on all 3 and opt out of writing on two of the three short essays. If you choose this option, you

know before hand all 3 questions you will be writing on. Here they are;

(Don't forget to fill out the survey on which of the 5 stories we have read so far is your favorite)

1) Pick three of the following five characters (Mrs. Turpin, Kenneth, the Dad, Jesse, Bub), apply the insights of "The Hound of Heaven" (to give a theological meaning to the protagonist's events/response), and compare and contrast their actions/response with the other characters you have chosen for this essay.

2) One of the main themes across the five stories we have read is that of how we view the outer world from our inner world. This theme of sight and inner/outer frequently manifests itself in the confrontation and changing of the inner world of the character with/by the reality of the outer world. Choose 3 of the five characters (Turpin, Kenneth, the Dad, Jesse, and Bub) and explore this theme--comparing and contrasting how this theme plays itself in each story. If you wrote on #5, you can only choose one of the characters you wrote on in that essay to write on in this one.

3) Choose three of the following metaphors in the following stories. Extrapolate the meaning of the metaphor within the context of the story and compare/contrast it with the other chosen metaphors/meanings. Make sure you can articulate how each of them are used within the story, as well as find some similarities with some of the other metaphors from other stories
Stories and Metaphors:
· Revelation (the Hogs)
· Kenneth: The Gun
· Chicxiclub: The Rock
· Waiting for the Evening News: The Television
Cathedral: The Television/the Cathedral


Below are the short essays--2 of which you may write on

instead of writing on all 3 of the longer essays. Remember,

however, I will be choosing the 2 you will write on. Remember

to identify the # you are commenting/questioning.

1) Contrast Heidegger's notion of inauthenticity with authenticity. Make sure you explain each of the characteristics.
2) Compare the themes of a "Hound of Heaven" with "The Road Less Traveled"
3) Compare and contrast Lynch's notion of denial -vs- acceptance of death with Hedges' use of Freud's Thanatos -vs- Eros in his essay on war.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

Weekend Homework. Read this poem most of you are familiar with by Robert Frost:

After you read the poem do one of the following three in a robust paragraph. Posts that reference the poem, parts of readings, and other students' thoughts in their posts will all be considered "quality" posts. Make sure your post states up front which of the three you are responding to.

1) relate the two paths diverging in the woods, path less chosen theme to three of the following
characters: Mrs Turpin ("Revelation"), Kenneth ("The Intruder"), the Dad in Chicxulub, and Jesse McNeil ("Waiting for the Evening News"). (synthesis of story question)

2) compare the themes of this poem with the themes of "Hound of Heaven"? (poetry question)

3) compare the themes of this poem with Heidegger's Authenticity/Inauthenticity. What are the two paths--one path you are currently struggling over? (Personal divulging question).