Read the following poem and in no more then three sentences identify what you think
the essence of this poem is. After you explain what you believe the essence of this poem is, identify 3 lines in the poem that are particularly potent towards offering you the meaning of this poem. PLEASE do not just say what other people have said. BE original. Also, if you are one of the later people posting, cite other students' interpretations with whom you agree with/agree with.
Entanglement (by Marion Goldstein)
"Where particles remain entangled light years apart"
I am searching
for an image
that will form itself
the way molten glass
responds to the glassblowers' breath
and becomes
the crystal container for claret
My amorphous thought
is wobbling in dark matter
an alternate universe
curled in ten dimensions
where no-thing is every-thing
blocked by light's limitation
where it doesn't matter
that there is no matter
and particles can not be detected
only known
in the wake of their effect
like God
bumping into this three dimensional universe
of spinning neutrinos
and warped time.
What magnificient symphony
of chemistry
plays itself out in the moments of belief
as if the wild field of chaos
a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo
and rain cascades from New York skies
possibility is infinite
they say
every action has a reaction
I think of J
her sudden death, cremation, gravesite service
the one Mass card
making its way through the mail
how the family came
that cold January morning
and the stranger priest on the altar
reconstructed from the blueprint of faces
in the wooden pews
the architecture of her life
and gave her back to them
like light escaping from the black hole
of a collapsed star.
the essence of this poem is. After you explain what you believe the essence of this poem is, identify 3 lines in the poem that are particularly potent towards offering you the meaning of this poem. PLEASE do not just say what other people have said. BE original. Also, if you are one of the later people posting, cite other students' interpretations with whom you agree with/agree with.
Entanglement (by Marion Goldstein)
"Where particles remain entangled light years apart"
I am searching
for an image
that will form itself
the way molten glass
responds to the glassblowers' breath
and becomes
the crystal container for claret
My amorphous thought
is wobbling in dark matter
an alternate universe
curled in ten dimensions
where no-thing is every-thing
blocked by light's limitation
where it doesn't matter
that there is no matter
and particles can not be detected
only known
in the wake of their effect
like God
bumping into this three dimensional universe
of spinning neutrinos
and warped time.
What magnificient symphony
of chemistry
plays itself out in the moments of belief
as if the wild field of chaos
a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo
and rain cascades from New York skies
possibility is infinite
they say
every action has a reaction
I think of J
her sudden death, cremation, gravesite service
the one Mass card
making its way through the mail
how the family came
that cold January morning
and the stranger priest on the altar
reconstructed from the blueprint of faces
in the wooden pews
the architecture of her life
and gave her back to them
like light escaping from the black hole
of a collapsed star.